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Integrating Concepts in Biology Textbook Increases Learning: Assessment Triangulation Using Concept Inventory, Card Sorting, and MCAT Instruments, Followed by Longitudinal Tracking

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the educational impact of an intervention, the inquiry-focused textbook Integrating Concepts in Biology (ICB), when used in a yearlong introductory biology course sequence. Student learning was evaluated using three published instruments: 1) The Biology Concept Inventory probed depth of student mastery of fundamental concepts in organismal and cellular topics when confronting misconceptions as distractors. ICB students had higher gains in all six topic categories (+43% vs. peers overall, p < 0.01). 2) The Biology Card Sorting Task assessed whether students organized biological ideas more superficially, as novices do, or based on deeper concepts, like experts. The frequency with which ICB students connected deep-concept pairs, or triplets, was similar to peers; but deep understanding of structure/function was much higher (for pairs: 77% vs. 25%, p < 0.01). 3) A content-focused Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) posttest compared ICB student content knowledge with that of peers from 15 prior years. Historically, MCAT performance for each semester ranged from 53% to 64%; the ICB cohort scored 62%, in the top quintile. Longitudinal tracking in five upper-level science courses the following year found ICB students outperformed peers in physiology (85% vs. 80%, p < 0.01).


    In most settings, biologists can no longer limit themselves to pursuing only molecular or organismal methods, nor can they avoid using quantitative and interdisciplinary approaches (National Research Council [NRC], 2003; Association of American Medical Colleges and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute [AAMC-HHMI], 2009; American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS], 2011; Waldrop and Miller, 2015). For example, to understand large, rapidly changing ecosystems, biologists must be able to study long-term ecological research plots in the alpine tundra; read DNA gels; and use modern mathematical, statistical, computational, and technological tools. As a result, biology instruction and scholarly instruction at all levels must keep pace with these changes in the practice of research (AAAS, 2011; NRC, 2012, 2014; Next Generation Science Standards Lead States, 2013). A new textbook, Integrating Concepts in Biology (ICB; Campbell et al., 2014), was designed to confront this “new normal” and enable instructors to engage students in regular practice of scientific inquiry inside the lecture room (Barsoum et al., 2013; Campbell et al., 2014; Wagner et al., 2015).

    The purpose of this research study was to look for evidence of impact of a single intervention, the ICB textbook, when adopted for a yearlong introductory biology course sequence already practicing reformed pedagogies (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol [RTOP] levels III and IV; Sawada et al., 2002; Ebert-May et al., 2011). The ICB textbook rigorously implements recommendations and practices as described in Vision and Change (AAAS, 2011). While traditional textbooks often place content at the center and include scientific practice in the margins, the ICB textbook reverses that approach, and makes engaging in science practice central for students (Barsoum et al., 2013; Prestwich and Sheehy, 2015).

    We hypothesized the ICB curriculum could boost conceptual expertise and longitudinal performance but perhaps negatively impact short-term gains in rote content knowledge. Hence, during the yearlong intervention, data were collected using three published instruments. The Biology Concept Inventory (BCI; Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008) and Biology Card Sorting Task (BCST; Smith et al., 2013) were used to detect changes in expertise, and a Medical College Assessment Test (MCAT) instrument (Luckie et al., 2004) was used to assess content knowledge, as well as longitudinal cohort analysis to follow student performance in upper-level courses.

    The BCI was selected because it probes depth of student mastery of fundamental concepts in both organismal and cellular topics when confronting strong distractors based on established frequent misconceptions (Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008; Klymkowsky et al., 2010). Concept inventories are carefully developed over years. Students are initially interviewed, and their verbal responses are transcribed (Smith et al., 2008). Later, additional students might respond to the same questions with extended-response or essay answers (Adams and Wieman, 2011). Common misconceptions that are held by students are slowly developed into multiple-choice answers as distractors to accompany a valid response (Anderson et al., 2002; Smith and Tanner, 2010). Years of testing allow the researchers to evaluate the terminology and refine the wording by incorporating student vocabulary until each question is both valid (successful in communicating the true question meaning) and found to be reliable (repeatedly able to evaluate student understanding; Adams and Wieman, 2011). The BCI was used to detect whether or not there are deficiencies in student expertise (Garvin-Doxas and Klymkowsky, 2008; Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008). We predicted the BCI might indicate that students would show a deeper understanding of basic biological concepts due to the ICB curriculum. While a number of inventories exist for biology, most are quite narrow, focusing on topics such as natural selection (Anderson et al., 2002), genetics (Smith et al., 2008), or the central dogma (Newman et al., 2016). The BCI is unique in that it is a broad concept inventory, spanning molecular, cellular, and organismal topics, and was therefore more appropriate to our study, which spanned topics introduced in yearlong introductory biology courses.

    A second approach was also adopted to collect additional evidence regarding whether the ICB curriculum could boost conceptual expertise. The BCST was designed to assess whether students organize biological ideas superficially, as novices tend to do, or based on deep concepts (e.g., evolution, energy and matter), as experts do (Smith et al., 2013). The way in which individuals organize subject-specific information is often an accurate indicator of developing expertise (Newell and Simon, 1972; Chi et al., 1981). Chi and colleagues (1981) created and validated a problem-sorting approach for physics problems, and Smith and colleagues subsequently developed and validated an instrument using biology problems (Smith et al., 2013). While assessing introductory biology students using the BCST, Smith and colleagues (2013) found that their data supported the prediction that novices would categorize problems based on surface features, rather than deep features or key concepts used by experts (Smith and Good, 1984). Our study’s BCST data were collected by Hoskinson, Ebert-May, and colleagues in their study of 16 introductory biology courses, including ICB students, at our university (Hoskinson et al., 2017).

    We also hypothesized that the ICB curriculum, which is not as explicitly content focused as traditional textbooks, might negatively impact short-term gains in content knowledge. Since 2000, during the final week of each semester, students in our college have been given a content-based assessment instrument constructed from MCAT questions to assess individual performance (Luckie et al., 2004). It was originally developed with the rationale that our science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) colleagues recognize the MCAT as an important instrument, which a Bloom evaluation also found respectable (Donnon et al., 2007; Zheng et al., 2008). Thus, a 40-question MCAT posttest was used as a content assessment in this study enabling a comparison of ICB student performance with the historical performance of students over the prior 15 years using traditional textbooks.

    A strong foundation gained in introductory biology can lead to success in upper-level STEM courses and beyond (White and Arzi, 2005; Derting and Ebert-May, 2010). By specifically tracking student performance, one can test predictions of long-term effects of an intervention (Oakes, 1992; Helldén, 2005; Jeffreys, 2007; Wai et al., 2010). We hypothesized the ICB curriculum could boost longitudinal performance. Thus, longitudinal tracking was used to look for later success (Voorhees and Lee, 2009; Creech and Sweeder, 2012). We performed longitudinal tracking of students who had completed the ICB curriculum and were entering into five upper-level STEM courses the following year: Physiology (PSL), Advanced Physiology I (Adv. PSL), Biochemistry (BCH), Advanced Biochemistry I (Adv. BCH), and Physics I (PHY). Within the same upper-level classroom settings, we compared the performance of ICB students with that of their peers who completed non-ICB introductory biology courses.

    Our findings support those of Barsoum et al. (2013), who noted that performance of the ICB cohort surpassed peers at the end-of-year time point, and suggest the ICB approach may enable learning gains beyond those found using traditional content-focused textbooks, even in courses already using reformed pedagogies.



    With the approval of the Institutional Review Board, data were collected from all students who completed the yearlong ICB course and control students from Michigan State University. The MSU registrar’s office provided ACT performance data and all students were enrolled at MSU and participant consent obtained. The yearlong ICB course sequence, when offered, was Introductory Biology I (LB144, sections 1–6, 109 students) in Fall 2014 and Introductory Biology II (LB145, sections 1–5, 89 students), offered in Spring 2015. BCI control participants were enrolled in an equal-sized section of the same course offered in the same classroom during the same semesters. The instructor used extensive and regular modern reformed pedagogies with a traditional textbook (Freeman, 2010, Biological Science, 4th Edition) in the control courses: Introductory Biology I (LB144, sections 7–12, 117 students), offered in Fall 2014, and Introductory Biology II (LB145, sections 6–10, 96 students), offered in Spring 2015. BCST control participants in this study were students enrolled in either their first or second course in introductory biology, during Spring 2014, Fall 2014, or Spring 2015. The 751 control participants were enrolled in one of 16 different course sections. These instructors used a wide range of active and passive pedagogies and traditional textbooks (Freeman et al., 2014, Biological Science, 5th edition; Raven et al., 2011, Biology, 9th edition; and Reece et al., 2013, Campbell Biology, 10th edition). There were 2164 students who were participants in the longitudinal cohort analysis. These were students enrolled in five courses during Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 (PSL n = 943, Adv. PSL n = 207, BCH n = 738, Adv. BCH n = 146, PHY n = 130).

    ICB Course Pedagogy

    The lecture meetings in the ICB course were best described as minilectures separated by regular use of active and cooperative think–pair–share types of exercises facilitated by use of clickers. Students had frequent homework assignments, which were tightly tied to explicit use of the textbook only. Integrating Concepts in Biology by Campbell, Heyer, and Paradise (Campbell et al., 2014) was used as an online textbook. The ICB course included homework provided with the LON-CAPA (CourseWeaver) and TopHat courseware platforms. This enabled ICB students to pause during active reading and provide extended-response answers to the “Integrating Questions” embedded in the ICB textbook. Their responses were evaluated by human graders and scores were recorded. This layer of online technology enabled use of logs in retrospective tracking of the path each student chose to pursue throughout the course.

    Biology Concept Inventory

    The BCI is a diagnostic tool developed using traditional methods required for a concept inventory (Garvin-Doxas and Klymkowsky, 2008; Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008; Klymkowsky et al., 2010). The BCI is a valid and reliable multiple-choice instrument, available online. It consists of 30 questions spanning six biological categories with distractors based on established misconceptions gleaned from subject interviews. The BCI’s categories and corresponding questions are: diffusion and drift (questions 1, 5, 25, 29, 30), energetics and interactions (Q2, 3, 17, 18), molecular properties and functions (Q10, 11, 13, 19, 20, 27), genetic behaviors (Q7, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 28), evolutionary mechanisms (Q4, 6, 12, 14, 26), experimental design (Q8, 9). During this study, ICB student performance on the concept inventory was compared with performance of peers enrolled in another equal-sized section of the same introductory biology course with a different instructor using the same reformed pedagogies but a traditional content-focused textbook. Students were not randomly assigned but were unaware of the identities of instructors when selecting course sections. The pretest was administered at the beginning of Introductory Biology I courses in Fall semester 2014, the midtest at end of the Fall semester 2014, and the posttest at the end of Introductory Biology II in Spring 2015.

    Biology Card Sorting Task

    The BCST is an instrument developed by Smith and colleagues and is designed to measure students’ biology expertise (Smith et al., 2013). The BCST instrument was an adaptation of a card-sorting tool originally developed for physics students (Chi et al., 1981). Early work done by Reif (Larkin and Reif, 1979) indicated that subjects initially distinguish a problem based on abstract concepts associated with a specific “problem schemata.” These frameworks are often not consciously apparent, even to those considered to be experts (Dreyfus and Dreyfus, 2005). Problem sorting is an elegant instrument that can quickly differentiate novices from experts based on the well-documented principle that novices tend to use superficial traits to organize ideas, whereas experts use deep principles. Problem sorting has long been used in cognitive psychology to understand how people form and connect concepts. Biology problems were extracted from introductory college biology textbooks. Each problem was chosen so that it included one and only one superficial trait (here, organisms: humans, plants, animals, or microbes) and one and only one deep concept (here, core concepts from Vision and Change: energy and matter, structure and function, information storage, and evolution). Students read each problem and were then directed to sort (group) the problems together under one of two sorting conditions. Some students were provided the core concepts, to evaluate whether they were able to associate problems with core concepts. Other students were asked to simply sort the problems in ways that made sense to them, to explore their conceptual frameworks.

    The BCST was part of a larger investigation of 16 introductory biology courses (Hoskinson et al., 2017), wherein the methods used for the study described in this article are provided in greater detail. Performance by peers enrolled in a number of comparable introductory biology courses using traditionally content-focused textbooks was used for BCST controls. Participants in this investigation were asked to sort 16 college-level biology problems under the following categories: evolution by natural selection, pathways and transformations of energy and matter, storage and passage of information, structure and function (Smith et al., 2013). Each of the 16 problems contained a single deep feature and a single surface/superficial feature (plant, insect, human, microorganism). When a subject placed two problems in the same hypothesized deep-feature category, this was recorded as a “deep pair.” When a subject placed two cards in the same superficial-feature category, this was recorded as a “superficial pair.” Three cards placed in the same deep-concept category resulted in a “deep triplet.” The maximum correct number of deep problem pairs was 24, and triplets were 16. Normalization of gain (change within context of headroom) was performed as described (Hoskinson et al., 2017). Like the BCI, the BCST was administered at the beginning of the academic year, at the end of the first semester (midpoint), and finally, at the end of the year. At the pre-, mid-, and posttest time points, ICB students’ performance on the BCST was compared with the performance of peers enrolled in other introductory biology courses using traditional content-focused textbooks.

    MCAT Instrument (MAT)

    The Medical Assessment Test (MAT) is a small, standardized content exam that has been used historically as a regular posttest for Introductory Biology II students since 2000. The MAT is composed of MCAT study questions developed, validated, and purchased from the Association of American Medical Colleges (Luckie et al., 2004, 2012, 2013). The MAT exam is a 40-question, multiple-choice test composed of relevant passage–style questions. MCAT passage questions have been studied by others and deemed to assess higher-level content knowledge than typical multiple-choice exams (Zheng et al., 2008). The MAT consisted of questions from five general topic categories: cell structure and function, oncogenes/cancer, cellular respiration, microbiology, and DNA structure and function. Performance of each individual student on the MAT as a whole and on questions related to each category was examined, along with the performance of historical control students. The MAT instrument used in this study is provided online (Luckie et al., 2004).

    Longitudinal Cohort Analysis

    Student performance was tracked in five upper-level science courses during the following academic year (2015–2016). Grades earned by the cohort of all ICB students were compared with those earned by other MSU students who enrolled in upper-level science courses but did not take the ICB introductory course. The upper-level courses examined were Physiology (PSL), Advanced Physiology I (Adv. PSL), Biochemistry (BCH), Advanced Biochemistry I (Adv. BCH) and Physics I (PHY). RTOP performance and differences in pedagogies used by upper-level instructors were not assessed or controlled, yet ICB and peer-control students shared the same experience in those learning environments. The data consisted of grades (final total points earned) in these upper-level science courses and data were analyzed in several ways. First, we compared the entire ICB student cohort with its peer cohort in each upper-level course. Second, much like investigators in a drug study, we were curious about the effect of low or high dosage of the ICB intervention on human subjects. Hence, to identify “low-dosage” subjects, we used computer server logs to explore post hoc student usage data. We identified 1) students who never purchased the ICB textbook, 2) students who never used the online textbook, and 3) students who did not answer online “Integrating Questions” embedded in the textbook readings (all “Integrating Questions” in homework were extended-response type and were evaluated by human graders). In addition, the cohorts of ICB students who enrolled in an ICB course only for a single semester were tracked and compared with peers.

    Statistical Evaluation

    Data from instruments and tracking were normalized for variations in each cohort’s prior academic performance using ACT scores (first with ACT science score, secondarily using ACT composite score; Hake, 1998) unless otherwise indicated. Microsoft Excel was used to generate charts and box plots, organize the data sets, and perform statistical tests. Student’s two-tailed t test results (p values) are those listed for all figures. Figure legends indicate trial numbers, and error bars on figures were generated by calculating the standard error of the mean (SEM) unless otherwise indicated.


    BCI: ICB Students Performed Better Than Peers at the Posttest Stage

    At the pre-, mid- and posttest time points, ICB students performance on the concept inventory was compared with performance of peers enrolled in another equal-sized section of the same introductory biology course that was using the same reformed pedagogies but a traditional content-focused textbook. Overall, students who participated in the ICB curriculum had significantly higher gains at the end of the academic year compared with students in the traditional biology course (+43.19 ± 7.02%, p < 0.01; Figure 1A). At the posttest stage, ICB students had a greater percentage increase in all concept inventory categories (Figure 1A). For ICB students, the greatest gains were found in the Diffusion and Drift category (+12.56 ± 5.10%) and the Experimental Design category (+20.25 ± 4.09%). The results suggest that greatest gains manifest or become detectable during the second half of the ICB sequence, perhaps due to an additive effect of two semesters.

    FIGURE 1.

    FIGURE 1. BCI performance of ICB students and controls. (A) Performance of ICB students and control cohort at the pre-, mid-, and posttest stages. (B) Percent difference of ICB vs. control for each subcategory topic tested at each test stage. ICB students (n = 76) and controls (n = 98). Error bars = SEM; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

    BCST: ICB Students Achieved Highest Scores in Deep Triple Sort

    As was done with the concept inventory, the Biology Card Sorting Task was administered at the pre-, mid- and posttest time points, but in this case, the controls were students enrolled in other introductory biology courses, all of which used traditional textbooks. Deep pair sorting occurred when a student paired two problems like experts, while a deep triplet sort occurred when a student grouped three problems (of four possible) like an expert. At the posttest stage, ICB students categorized problems like an expert precisely as well as control peers (Figure 2). After normalization, no significant difference was found in pre- to posttest gains overall, except that a stronger understanding was seen for ICB students in the subcategory of structure and function for both pair and triplet sorts (pair: 77 ± 10% vs. 28 ± 3%, p < 0.01), and a weaker understanding of evolution for triplet sort data (triplet: −6.9 ± 1.7% vs. 26 ± 6.5%, p < 0.05; Figure 2). The low trial number for the ICB students in the triplet analysis (n = 21) limits robust interpretation.

    FIGURE 2.

    FIGURE 2. BCST performance of ICB students and controls. Left, Student normalized performance on posttest for each topic tested. Left to right categories are pathways and transformations of energy and matter, storage and passage of information, structure and function, evolution by natural selection. Right, Student performance at pre-, mid-, and posttest stages for deep pairs and triplets count. The maximum number of deep pairs is 24, and 16 for deep triplets. ICB students (n = 21) and controls (n = 101). Error bars = SEM; *p < 0.05.

    MAT: ICB Students Scored in the Top Quintile

    The normalized MAT scores from years 2000–2013 ranged from 53.39 to 64.21%. ICB students scored a 62.22%, thus within the top quintile (81.6%) of the highest performance in 15 years (Figure 3A). ICB student performance (62.22 ± 1.43%) was statistically greater than historical cohorts from years 2000–2001 (53.39 ± 1.96%, p < 0.05) and lower than the highest historical MCAT score achieved in 2011 (64.21 ± 1.84%; Figure 3A and inset). When MCAT subtopics were examined, ICB students performed within historical norms (Figure 3B), and again, statistical separation was only seen versus the 2000–2001 and 2011 cohorts.

    FIGURE 3.

    FIGURE 3. ICB student cohort performance on MCAT instrument compared with historical scores between 2000 and 2013. (A) Average normalized MCAT performance each semester compared with ICB cohort (far right). Error bars = SEM. Inset, Box plot distribution of recent scores: medians and quartiles (box) and range (whiskers). (B) ICB performance in each subcategory compared with that of historical controls (left to right: cell structure and function, oncogenes, respiration, microbiology, DNA). Error bars = SEM. Statistical significance is only present when comparing ICB with cohorts from years 2000–2001 and 2011. ICB students (n = 77) and controls (n = 417). *p < 0.05.

    Longitudinal Analysis: ICB Students Outperformed Peers in Upper-Level Physiology

    The following year, students from the ICB cohort were tracked into five upper-level STEM courses: Physiology (PSL, Adv. PSL), Biochemistry (BCH, Adv. BCH), and Physics (PHY). In PSL, ICB students outperformed peers (85.71 ± 8.6% vs. 80.71 ± 13.64%, p = 0.021), but no significant difference was found in other courses (Figure 4A). A set of students who completed only the first semester of the yearlong ICB curriculum were also tracked as they moved into a traditional Introductory Biology II course. The cohort of first-semester ICB students as a whole performed well (83.5%) and equivalent to peer-control students (83.2%; Figure 4B). In addition, a small group of 10 students were examined who had entered the ICB curriculum in the second semester after completing a traditional first-semester Introductory Biology I course. The average final grade of the cohort of 10 students was lower, but not significantly so (73.85% vs. 77.48%, p = 0.4361), than peers from a full yearlong ICB experience (Figure 4C).

    FIGURE 4.

    FIGURE 4. Longitudinal tracking of ICB student performance vs. peers. (A) Performance the following year in five upper-level STEM courses. Each ICB student is represented as an individual point (circles) to the left of control student cohorts (diamonds); “low-dose” students are empty symbols. Error bars = SD. ICB students in PSL (n = 34), Adv. PSL (n = 11), BCH (n = 26), Adv. BCH (n = 13), and PHY (n = 24). **p < 0.01; xp = 0.098. (B) Box plots of grade performance for first-semester ICB students (n = 25, left, ICB students) vs. peers (n = 74, right, controls) in second-semester traditional Introductory Biology II course. (C) Box plots of grade performance for first-semester traditional students (n = 10, right, controls) vs. ICB peers (n = 68, left, ICB students) in second-semester ICB Introductory Biology II course. Box plot distribution: medians and quartiles (box) and range (whiskers); mean = diamond symbol.


    Assessing Gains in Expertise

    We hypothesized the ICB curriculum could boost conceptual expertise of students beyond those learning gains obtained with a traditional textbook–driven curriculum (NRC, 2003; AAMC-HHMI, 2009; AAAS, 2011; Waldrop and Miller, 2015). Hence, during the yearlong intervention, both the BCI (Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008) and BCST (Smith et al., 2013) were used to detect any movement of students along the spectrum from novice to expert (Bedard and Chi, 1992; Chi, 2006). The BCI was selected because it assessed student mastery of fundamental concepts in both organismal and cellular topics when confronting strong distractors based on established frequent misconceptions (Klymkowsky and Garvin-Doxas, 2008; Klymkowsky et al., 2010). The cohort of students enrolled in a full year of ICB curriculum had a much greater gain on the concept inventory than those in a traditional biology course in all topics tested (overall +43.19 ± 7.02%, p < 0.01). The BCST challenged students to categorize biological scenarios to determine whether they were able to see past the superficial and into deeper conceptual linkages (Smith et al., 2013). In this case, the ICB students performed equivalently to controls. Only in the details of subcategories did we found any differences. ICB students did have higher achievement for the topic of structure and function (77% vs. 28%), but they had lower achievement for evolution compared with the control courses. For both instruments, discrimination occurred at the posttest stage. Given that the BCI detected strong differentiation and the BCST detected little, the overall finding for gains in expertise is likely positive, but perhaps not as glaringly so as the BCI data might suggest.

    Assessing Gains in Content Knowledge

    We also hypothesized that the ICB curriculum, which is not as explicitly content focused as that driven by traditional, more encyclopedic textbooks, might negatively impact short-term gains in content knowledge. The performance of ICB students on the MCAT content posttest indicated gains equal to those of the top quintile of the range achieved by previous semesters since the year 2000. The performance of ICB students on each topic tested also indicated gains were within norms. In the ICB curriculum, perhaps the structured nature to the course, and focus on pursuing inquiry in lecture enabled students to master a greater percentage of content provided (Freeman et al., 2011). While more encyclopedic textbooks may include a greater percentage of content per page (Rissing, 2013), students using them did not appear to master significantly more content as a result. The data suggest that a full year of ICB textbook–driven curriculum led to content knowledge gains equivalent to those seen in the traditional curriculum historically.

    Detecting Long-Term Impact

    We hypothesized the ICB curriculum could boost longitudinal performance. Thus, longitudinal tracking was used to look for later success (Voorhees and Lee, 2009; Creech and Sweeder, 2012). The following year, students enrolled in the ICB curriculum were tracked into five upper-level courses. Physiology and biochemistry courses were selected due to the number of ICB students enrolled and similar academic content. The physics course was selected as a nonbiology control. In addition to ACT normalization, review of college grade point average returned no significant difference between ICB student groups in each upper-level course studied. Within one of the physiology courses, the p value was significant, indicating that the ICB students earned significantly higher grades than their peers. In addition, in one biochemistry course, a greater mean for the ICB cohort approached significance, p = 0.098. The three other courses lacked significance and showed a lower average grade for the ICB group. Yet each had a single outlier point (physics in particular) that, if culled, led to equity of means. This analysis was able to detect early evidence of positive longitudinal impact of the ICB curriculum on students.

    But Is It the Textbook?

    If this were a drug study, changes in dosage would be critical to determine whether the active agent was the drug itself. As mentioned earlier, for both the concept inventory and card-sorting task, discrimination occurred at the posttest stage. This may be somewhat suggestive that dosage, in the form of a full-year of ICB textbook–driven curriculum, played a role for impact to manifest or become detectable. Following this line of thought, as an internal control, we first examined computer logs to determine whether use of (or dosage of) textbook correlated positively with exam scores. ICB students identified in the bottom quartile for use of the online textbook, scored significantly lower on course exams than those in the top quartile (exam 1: 76% vs. 87%; exam 2: 67%, vs. 79%; exam 3: 62% vs. 71%; p < 0.05). Conversely, those who bought the textbook, read it regularly, and provided thoughtful answers to “Integrating Questions” embedded in each textbook reading, scored significantly higher (∼10%) on each course exam. As a result of detecting this correlation between dosage of textbook and course exam performance, as a second internal control, we performed a post hoc analysis of longitudinal tracking data. Computer logs were used to identify a small subcohort (9%) of students who never purchased or opened the ICB textbook, or answered “Integrating Questions,” which served as daily online homework. Empty symbols were used to visualize these “low-dose” students in Figure 4A. This is not empirical data, and we have no comparative data regarding textbook use by peer-control students in their introductory biology courses; thus, it was not used in any of the statistical testing. One would hope that robust use of any textbook would help students in introductory STEM courses. Yet visualizing the trend seemed useful; it is interesting and also somewhat supportive of a potential dosage effect of the ICB “drug.”

    What Makes the Textbook So Special?

    The ICB textbook is a vast departure from even the most pedagogically progressive traditional textbooks published today. Each chapter reading in the ICB textbook focuses on a discussion and dissection of published figures and tables from the primary literature. It then connects that data, from both contemporary and historical researchers, to the fundamental themes and topics of biology. It is unlike the appealingly photogenic and encyclopedic Freeman or Reece biology textbooks with which most veteran instructors are familiar. Rather, it is more akin to a set of published research papers disguised as a textbook to gain conventional acceptance as a source of authority from instructors and students alike. While one might think the departure from a traditional textbook would be uncomfortable for science faculty, in truth, the transition is as familiar as walking from the lecture hall to the professional laboratory. Lectures with undergraduates evolve to be more like journal clubs and have been referred to as “inquiry-in-lecture.” In fact, even the conversations after lecture with ICB students suddenly sound more like those you have with staff in your research lab. To the authors, interactions with students in the classroom became less frequently like grade school and more like graduate school.

    Do No Harm?

    When changing curricula, thoughtful skeptics frequently raise Hippocratic concerns that the new approaches not harm the students involved. Because our yearlong ICB curriculum did not require students to take both semesters, we were curious, would students who depart (drop out) early, or join (enroll) late, be negatively impacted? According to the p values obtained by the two-tailed t tests, there is no statistical evidence to support a concern that taking only a single semester of ICB curriculum may be detrimental to students. Students who did not participate in its entirety, in the full-year dosage of the ICB course, were still successful at staying within the boundaries of their peers’ performance.

    Strengths and Limitations

    • One important aspect worth noting is what a course values and achieves (in terms of learning and student effort) is reflected largely through the questions asked on exams. Any comparison of courses must clearly reflect what is to be learned and how that learning is monitored. As a result, this research group is currently completing a project that explicitly characterizes what exactly students are expected to learn and how that is determined via a comparative analysis of exam questions using the 3D-LAP strategy (Laverty et al., 2016).

    • BCI: Concept inventories are carefully and professionally developed over years and have to be valid and reliable, but they are also considered particularly difficult for students to do well on and make gains on (Smith and Tanner, 2010). This is a result of each foil being a well-known misconception. Hence, all the wrong answers are particularly attractive to students, that is, they are very strong distractors. For example, in Figure 1A, you will notice that there is no learning gain whatsoever for control students after a full academic year of introductory biology taught by an instructor using reformed engaging techniques. In comparison, the ICB students (n = 76) did significantly better on the posttest compared with controls (n = 98), and in Figure 1B, they did so in every single category tested. The control group that took the concept inventory was the most similar to the experimental group of those present for the different instruments and findings reported in this study. Control students were in the same size class and met in the same room for the same duration on the same days of the week. The student population was homogeneous for both courses; they were students in the same major who all lived in a residential college. While the instructor was not the same, both instructors had the same learning goals, scored similarly on RTOP teaching observations (levels II−IV), and regularly used reformed pedagogies in the same lecture classroom. The same BCI test was taken three times throughout the full academic year, and it therefore does have limitations (also true of the BCST). It is possible students remembered the questions and became better at answering them by the time they took the posttest. Yet impact at midtest was not seen, and subtracting controls should eliminate common inflation effects.

    • BCST: The BCST data set indicated no overall significance in performance differences between ICB and control students in both the deep pair and triplet posttest. The finer-grained analysis of performance on individual topics of the card-sorting task revealed that the most significant gain in both pair and triplets was in the category of structure and function, yet there was a loss for evolution by natural selection, which was found statistically significant not in pairs, but in triplets. The greatest limitation to the BCST data is that the trial number is quite low for this assessment (n = 21) and the coverage and RTOP in control courses varied widely.

    • MAT: This content posttest has an unusual strength in that it has been used for more than a decade and thus is uniquely positioned to compare the impact of a new intervention within the history of the same course. In addition, while the controls are all historical classes with different students, from Fall 2007 to the present (n = 417; including the ICB semesters, n = 77), the instructor remained the same. Hence, in the recent decade, the historical control students experienced the same instructor, classroom, lecture hours, and a homogeneous student population with same major and who all lived in a residential college that was then normalized with ACT scores. On the other hand, the instrument, nicknamed the MAT, was not built with standards of validity and reliability to approach the level of a professional instrument like the BCI or BCST.

    Final Thoughts

    Perhaps we should not be surprised that a constructivist approach based on science practices, grounded in learning theory, and recommended by experts would improve learning (NRC, 2003; AAMC-HHMI, 2009; AAAS, 2011; Waldrop and Miller, 2015). Rather, the challenge may in fact be detecting and gathering empirical evidence that impact has occurred. It may take a while for the effects of courses that focus on a few core concepts rather than covering a list of topics to show up. In addition, it may be more difficult to measure (using present methods) the benefits of courses that focus on scientific practices, or students doing the same things that scientists do (working with data, argumentation, proposing investigations, modeling, etc.).

    While the signal-to-noise ratio was greatest with the concept inventory, which provided great support for enhanced learning by ICB students, longitudinal tracking data moderately support positive gains for ICB students compared with controls. The MCAT data suggest that there is no sacrifice in learning of “content,” and tracking data also indicate that a single semester of ICB textbook–driven curriculum did no harm. The data triangulation of three instruments, followed by early longitudinal tracking data, supports that the ICB textbook’s focus on inquiry, as prescribed by Vision and Change (AAAS, 2011), increased learning. Given this cohort of students experienced the first offering of the ICB curriculum at our university, one might predict that going forward, as instructors gain more comfort and experience with the ICB textbook and develop more effective approaches to engage students in scientific practices (i.e., inquiry in lecture), the performance of ICB students on these instruments may improve further.


    We thank Drs. Kendra Cheruvelil, James Smith, Peter White, Gerald Urquhart, and Cheryl Murphy for helpful discussions about teaching and learning and assistance during this study. We also thank the many teaching assistants who promoted and supported this intervention in curriculum and made a fantastic environment for learning in the classroom. Our cystic fibrosis and STEM learning laboratories are supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) and Pennsylvania Cystic Fibrosis Inc. (PACFI) grants for our physiology cystic fibrosis research program and by grants from the National Science Foundation for our education research program.


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