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The authors of “Moving the Needle: Evidence of an Effective Study Strategy Intervention in a Community College Biology Course” (CBE Life Sci. Educ. [21] 02, ar24; doi:10.1187/cbe. 21-08-0216) have made a correction to the author list.

In the original HTML and PDF versions, the authors are listed as

Sheela Vemu, Kameryn Denaro, Brian K. Sato, and Adrienne E. Williams.

This has been corrected to:

Sheela Vemu, Kameryn Denaro, Brian K. Sato, Matthew R. Fisher, and Adrienne E. Williams.

The authors apologize for this error.

The correction was made to the html and PDF versions of the paper on the website on September 2, 2022. The corrected version, however, may not be reflected on other websites where the paper appears.