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Comparison of Cluster Analysis Methodologies for Characterization of Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) Data

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    The Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) provides descriptive feedback to instructors by capturing student and instructor behaviors occurring in the classroom. Due to the increasing prevalence of COPUS data collection, it is important to recognize how researchers determine whether groups of courses or instructors have unique classroom characteristics. One approach uses cluster analysis, highlighted by a recently developed tool, the COPUS Analyzer, that enables the characterization of COPUS data into one of seven clusters representing three groups of instructional styles (didactic, interactive, and student centered). Here, we examine a novel 250 course data set and present evidence that a predictive cluster analysis tool may not be appropriate for analyzing COPUS data. We perform a de novo cluster analysis and compare results with the COPUS Analyzer output and identify several contrasting outcomes regarding course characterizations. Additionally, we present two ensemble clustering algorithms: 1) k-means and 2) partitioning around medoids. Both ensemble algorithms categorize our classroom observation data into one of two clusters: traditional lecture or active learning. Finally, we discuss implications of these findings for education research studies that leverage COPUS data.


    A national focus on implementing evidence-based teaching practices to improve the quality of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has been promoted by, among others, the National Research Council (2012), the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (2012), and the Association of American Universities (2019). These organizations highlight the benefits of active-learning pedagogies (Chickering and Gamson, 1987; Hake, 1998; Crouch and Mazur, 2001; Ruiz-Primo et al., 2011; Prince, 2004; Knight and Wood, 2005; Maciejewski, 2015; Smith et al., 2005; Ong et al., 2011; Singer and Smith, 2013; Freeman et al., 2014; Tomkin et al., 2019) as practices that improve learning for all students, particularly those from diverse backgrounds (Handelsman et al., 2004; Ong et al., 2011; Eddy and Hogan, 2014; Theobald et al., 2020).

    Despite these findings, the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices is generally not widespread in STEM classrooms (Smith et al., 2014; Stains et al., 2018). While professional development opportunities to train instructors in the use of these practices are widely available, there is often a disconnect between instructor perception of implementation of active-learning pedagogies and what is actually occurring in the classroom (Ebert-May et al., 2011; Derting et al., 2016). Thus, there is value in classroom observation data that provide an objective way to identify what both the student and instructor are doing within a classroom (Smith et al., 2013, 2014; Wieman, 2016). These observations give a more standardized assessment of the class compared with surveys, responses to which may be influenced by student and instructor interpretation or bias. These data can then be used in the assessment of the effectiveness of instruction strategies.

    Classroom Observation Data-Collection and Analysis

    A number of protocols and frameworks have been developed over the past two decades to better describe what is occurring within a higher education classroom (Sawada et al., 2002; Chi and Wylie, 2014; Wieman and Gilbert, 2014; Wieman, 2015; Frey et al., 2016; Reimer et al., 2016; Owens et al., 2017). One of the most commonly used protocols is the Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS; Smith et al., 2013; Lund et al., 2015; Lund and Stains, 2015; Weaver et al., 2015; Wieman and Gilbert, 2015; Velasco et al., 2016; Akiha et al., 2017; McVey et al., 2017; Daher et al., 2018; Jiang and Li, 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Stains et al., 2018; Ludwig and Prins, 2019; Tomkin et al., 2019; Wolyniak and Wick, 2019; Deligkaris and Chan, 2020; Reisner et al., 2020; Riddle et al., 2020). COPUS consists of 25 distinct codes that classify instructor and student behaviors (see Table 1, taken from Smith et al., 2013) that are recorded in 2-minute intervals by observers. COPUS does not require observers to make judgments regarding teaching quality, but rather categorizes classroom activities by “What the instructor is doing” and “What the students are doing.”

    TABLE 1. COPUS code description

    ObservationDescriptionAll codesAnalyzer codesCollapsed codes
    ListeningListening to instructor/taking notes, etc.Student.LS.Receiving
    Answer questionStudent answering a question posed by the instructor with rest of class listeningStudent.AnQS.Talking
    AskingStudent asking questionStudent.SQStudent.SQS.Talking
    Whole classEngaged in whole-class discussion by offering explanations, opinion, judgment, etc., to whole class, often facilitated by instructorStudent.WCS.Talking
    PresentationPresentation by student(s)Student.SPS.Talking
    ThinkingIndividual thinking/problem solving: only marked when an instructor explicitly asks students to think about a clicker question or another question/problem on their ownStudent.IndS.Working
    Student codesClickerDiscuss clicker question in groups of two or more studentsStudent.CGStudent.CGS.Working
    WorksheetWorking in groups on worksheet activityStudent.WGStudent.WGS.Working
    Other groupOther assigned group activity, such as responding to instructor questionStudent.OGStudent.OGS.Working
    PredictionMaking a prediction about the outcome of demo or experimentStudent.PrdS.Working
    Test/quizTest or quizStudent.TQS.Working
    WaitingWaiting (instructor late, working on fixing AV problems, instructor otherwise occupied, etc.)Student.WS.Other
    OtherOther: explained in commentsStudent.OtherS.Other
    LecturingLecturing (presenting content, deriving mathematical results, presenting a problem solution, etc.)Instructor.LecInstructor.LecI.Presenting
    WritingReal-time writing on board, doc. projector, etc. (often checked off along with Lec)Instructor.RtWI.Presenting
    Demo/videoShowing or conducting a demo, experiment, simulation, video, or animationInstructor.DVI.Presenting
    Follow-upFollow-up/feedback on clicker question or activity to entire classInstructor.FUpI.Guiding
    Pose questionPosing non-clicker question to students (nonrhetorical)Instructor.PQInstructor.PQI.Guiding
    Instructor codesClicker questionAsking a clicker question (mark the entire time the instructor is using a clicker question, not just when first asked)Instructor.CQInstructor.CQI.Guiding
    Answer questionListening to and answering student questions with entire class listeningInstructor.AnQI.Guiding
    Moving/ guidingMoving through class guiding ongoing student work during active-learning taskInstructor.MGI.Guiding
    One on oneOne-on-one extended discussion with one or a few individuals, not paying attention to the rest of the class (can be along with MG or AnQ)Instructor.1o1Instructor.1o1I.Guiding
    AdministrationAdministration (assign homework, return tests, etc.)Instructor.AdmI.Administration
    WaitingWaiting when there is an opportunity for an instructor to be interacting with or observing/listening to student or group activities and the instructor is not doing soInstructor.WI.Other
    OtherOther: explained in commentsInstructor.OtherI.Other
    Total number of codes:2588

    Descriptions of the individual codes in Smith et al. (2013), collapsed codes in Smith et al. (2014), and the Analyzer codes in Stains et al. (2018).

    Due to the increasing prevalence of COPUS data collection and presentation in education research, it is important to consider how researchers analyze these data. The most common tactic is to present COPUS data in a descriptive form, highlighting particular codes of interest and often comparing the relative presence of these codes between two scenarios (Smith et al., 2013; Weaver et al., 2015; Lewin et al., 2016; Akiha et al., 2017; McVey et al., 2017; Jiang and Li, 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Solomon et al., 2018; Kranzfelder et al., 2019; Riddle et al., 2020; Reisner et al., 2020). For example, Lewin et al. (2016) highlighted the frequency of the Instructor Lecturing code for classes that used clickers and those that did not. Akiha et al. (2017) examined the frequency of various codes across middle school, high school, and undergraduate courses and determined whether there were differences among classes at various education levels using the Kruskal-Wallis test. It is also possible to take this analysis a step further and incorporate multiple regression models to identify the impact of various course or instructor characteristics on the presence of specific classroom practices. For example, to assess the effectiveness of their professional development program, Tomkin et al. (2019) used multiple linear regression models, Poisson regression models, and zero-inflated Poisson regression models with the individual codes serving as the outcome variables to identify differences in the use of various COPUS codes between faculty who did and did not participate in the program. A third technique used to analyze COPUS data is cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is a data-mining technique that allows researchers to cluster a set of observations into similar (homogeneous) groupings based on a set of features. This technique, which enables researchers to characterize a particular course based on the entirety of the collected COPUS data and identify distinct patterns of classroom behaviors present across a data set, has been used by the Stains group (Lund et al., 2015; Stains et al., 2018). Additionally, cluster analysis is used when researchers are in the exploratory phase of their analysis (Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1990; Ng and Han, 1994) and allows for identification of groups of observations when you do not have a particular response variable of interest (Fisher, 1958; MacQueen, 1967; Hartigan and Wong, 1979; Pollard, 1981; Kaufman and Rousseeuw, 1987; Hastie et al., 2001).

    As a product of their cluster analysis, Stains et al. (2018) generated the COPUS Analyzer tool based on an original data set of 2008 individual class periods collected from more than 500 STEM instructors across 25 institutions in the United States. They note that the COPUS Analyzer ( “automatically classifies classroom observations into specific instructional styles, called COPUS Profiles.” Despite the ease of use of the COPUS Analyzer, we argue that this tool, or similar clustering systems developed locally by education researchers based on prior collected data sets, is not an appropriate means to evaluate and classify new COPUS data. Because cluster analysis is a statistical learning algorithm that uses an unsupervised learning technique (i.e., there is no outcome variable used in the analysis), clustering algorithms are meant to be descriptive, not predictive. In general, clustering algorithms are able to find locally optimal partitions and split the data into k clusters; new data incorporated into an existing data set often result in different clusters being identified, and thus clustering should not be used as a predictive tool (Fisher, 1958; Hartigan, 1975; Hartigan and Wong, 1979; Wong, 1979; Hastie et al., 2001; Ben-David et al., 2006; Gareth et al., 2013). Due to this nature of cluster analysis, using an existing cluster analysis to predict the cluster that new COPUS data would fall into could then potentially incorrectly cluster that data. Mischaracterization of COPUS data could then lead to a research team drawing flawed conclusions from an analysis.

    Study Aims

    In this paper, we use a novel data set from 250 unique courses to explore whether different methods of clustering COPUS data produce contrasting outcomes. Specifically, we address the following questions:

    1. Do clustering results for our data set vary when using the COPUS Analyzer versus de novo cluster analysis guided by the parameters established by the Analyzer?

    2. How do de novo clustering results differ when the COPUS data are transformed (i.e., combining the codes into a condensed set or using a subset of the COPUS codes) in the various ways presented in the literature before clustering?

    3. How do de novo clustering results differ when using k-means algorithms versus partitioning around medoids (PAM) algorithms?


    Participants and Procedures

    The COPUS data were collected across 250 courses during the Fall (n = 70), Winter (n = 85), and Spring (n = 95) quarters during the 2018–2019 academic year at a research-intensive university in the western United States. Observed courses were selected if they were the following: lecture courses (excluding lab sections, discussions, and seminar courses), undergraduate courses (graduate courses excluded), and courses held in rooms with capacity for 60 students or more. Courses were spread across STEM and non-STEM disciplines (in this work, the traditional definition of STEM excluding social sciences is used) and were taught by faculty holding various positions (tenured and non-tenured, including research track and teaching track) who were or were not active-learning certified (“active-learning certified” means the instructor completed an 8-week active-learning professional development series offered by the study’s institution). Descriptive information regarding the courses included in the study and the faculty instructing them can be found in Table 2. Summary statistics for the individual COPUS codes are in Supplemental Table S1.

    TABLE 2. Course and instructor characteristics of COPUS data seta

    Course/instructor characteristicsPercent of sample
    Large enrollment (>100)50
    STEM course58
    Instructor gender (female)46
    Research tenure-track faculty53
    Teaching tenure-track faculty18
    Teaching non–tenure track faculty28
    Active-learning certified faculty53

    aCOPUS data were collected from 250 courses. Large enrollment was defined as a course with more than 100 students. STEM included science, engineering, math, and informatics/computer science courses. There were three classes of instructor based on their job titles. Active-learning certification status was bestowed on faculty who completed an active-learning instruction professional development series.

    We documented classroom behaviors in 2-minute intervals throughout the duration of the class sessions using the 25 COPUS codes. For each class session, we created three different data sets as previously described: 1) we used the subset of codes as described in Stains et al. (2018), 2) we collapsed the 25 codes into eight codes as described in Smith et al. (2014), and 3) we used all 25 COPUS codes (Smith et al., 2013). Descriptions of each can be found in Table 1.

    We also identified the COPUS profiles for each classroom session as reported by the COPUS Analyzer ( The COPUS Analyzer provides COPUS profiles that fall into one of seven clusters representing three groups of instructional styles, which are characterized as didactic, interactive, and student centered. The didactic instructional style represents classes in which more than 80% of the class period included the Instructor Lecturing code. The interactive instructional style was characterized by course periods in which instructors supplemented lecturing with other group activities or clicker questions with group work. The student-centered instructional style encompasses classes in which even larger portions of the course period were dedicated to group activities relative to the interactive instructional style.

    Even though the COPUS protocol was designed based on the observation of STEM courses, we felt that it was appropriate to include non-STEM observation data for a variety of reasons. First, because our data set was restricted to large-enrollment lecture courses, this eliminated the presence of course types (e.g., lab courses) that are unique to STEM fields. Second, if a STEM lecture was inherently different from a non-STEM lecture, we would expect to see unique distributions of STEM-specific codes in our data set. We performed a two-sample t test for each of the 25 codes to test for a difference in the amount of time spent on a certain code for STEM and non-STEM classes and applied a Bonferroni correction to account for multiple testing settings . We found that, of the 25 codes, COPUS code usage for STEM and non-STEM courses differed for only two codes (Student Individual Thinking/Problem Solving and Instructor Real-Time Writing on the Board). These data are presented in Supplemental Table S2. Additionally, as it is not our goal to make pedagogical conclusions or recommendations regarding the specific courses present in our data set, but instead to use these data to make conclusions about methodologies for COPUS data analysis, we felt it was appropriate to include both STEM and non-STEM courses.

    Data-Collection Procedures

    Each course included in the study was observed twice within a quarter. A team of 10 COPUS observers were trained by a single individual. This training involved the description of the COPUS codes, hands-on time with the Generalized Observation and Reflection Platform (GORP, University of California, Davis, 2019), which was used to collect COPUS data, and presentation of lecture videos that observers used to practice collecting COPUS data. Trained observers then completed two to three classroom observations in pairs to ensure reliability between the two raters of at least 90% and Cohen’s kappa above 0.85 for each pair.

    Instructors were notified at the beginning of each academic term that they would be observed during two lecture periods. Dates were assigned based on observer availability without any prior knowledge regarding what would occur in that lecture period. Observations were rescheduled only if the originally selected date was an exam day. Instructor and student codes were collected for each class period and then summarized as percent of 2-minute intervals during which a given code was occurring. COPUS data for the two classroom observations for a given course were averaged before data analysis. This study was approved by the University of California, Irvine, Institutional Review Board as exempt (IRB 2018-4211).

    Data Analysis

    To characterize the types of instructional practices observed in our 250 course data set, we performed a variety of cluster analyses and compared them with the COPUS profiles resulting from the COPUS Analyzer ( To address research question 1, we compared the COPUS profiles to a de novo cluster analysis using the same restrictions established by Stains et al. (2018), including using the same subset of codes (group worksheet, group other, group clicker, student question, work 1-on-1, clicker question, teacher question, and lecture) and performing k-means clustering with k = 7 using a Fisher’s exact test. To address research question 2, we performed three separate k-means algorithms: one on the Analyzer codes (group worksheet, group other, group clicker, student question, work 1-on-1, clicker question, teacher question, and lecture), one on the collapsed codes (instructor presenting, instructor guiding, instructor administration, instructor other, student receiving, students talking to the class, students working, and student other), and one on all 25 COPUS codes. We compared the COPUS profiles to the de novo ensemble of the three k-means algorithms using a Fisher’s exact test. To address research question 3, we performed three separate PAM algorithms: one on the Analyzer codes, one on the collapsed codes, and one on all 25 COPUS codes. We compared the de novo ensemble of the three k-means algorithms to the de novo ensemble of the three PAM algorithms using a Fisher’s exact test.

    k-Means Clustering

    To partition the data into distinct groups wherein the observations within the subgroups are quite similar and the observations in different clusters are quite different, we used k-means clustering. This is a simple and elegant approach for partitioning a data set into k distinct, non-overlapping clusters (James et al., 2013). k-Means clustering is an unsupervised statistical learning technique that does not require the data to have a response variable (Fisher, 1958; Hartigan and Wong 1979; MacQueen, 1967). Among all classroom observations, there is heterogeneity across the observations, and we used clustering to find distinct homogeneous subgroups among the COPUS observations. Our data set includes n = 250 classroom observations with p equal to the number of COPUS features we are considering. For example, using the collapsed codes, we have p = 8 features (instructor guiding, instructor presenting, instructor administration, instructor other, student receiving, student talking, student working, and student other).

    To specify the desired number of clusters, k, we used the NbClust package in R (Charrad et al., 2014). This R package determines the relevant number of clusters in a data set by performing 30 different indices (see Supplemental Table S3 for a complete list) while varying the cluster size and distance measures. For further discussion of the indices, see Charrad et al. (2014). After determining the relevant number of clusters, the k-means algorithm will assign each observation to exactly one of the k clusters. k-Means clustering, performed using the stats package in R (R Core Team, 2018), partitions the observations into k clusters such that the total within-cluster variation, summed over all k clusters, is as small as possible. That is, k-means clustering solves the following minimization problem:

    where C1,…,CK denote sets containing the indices of the observations in each cluster, p is the number of features, and k is the number of clusters. The algorithm for k-means clustering is as follows: 1) Randomly assign a number, from 1 to k to each of the observations. These serve as initial cluster assignments for the observations. 2) Iterate until the cluster assignments stop changing. 2a) For each of the k clusters, compute the cluster centroid. The kth cluster centroid is the vector of the p feature means for the observations in the kth cluster. 2b) Assign each observation to the cluster whose centroid is closest (where “closest” is defined using Euclidean distance). We used 20 random starts for the k-means clustering algorithm, because it has been suggested that the number of random starts should be greater than 1 (Gareth et al., 2013).

    PAM Clustering

    PAM is a more robust method to cluster data compared with the more commonly used k-means algorithm (Kaufman and Rousseeuw 1987, 1990; Ng and Han, 1994). The main difference between the k-means algorithm and the PAM algorithm is that a data point within the cluster defines the medoid in the PAM algorithm, whereas the cluster center is the average of all the data points in k-means. The algorithm follows the work of Conrad and Bailey (2015) and uses the cluster (Maechler et al., 2018) and randomForest (Liaw and Wiener, 2002) packages in R. The PAM analysis proceeds as follows: 1) unsupervised Random Forests (RF) is used to generate a proximity matrix using the COPUS variables; and 2) PAM uses the dissimilarity matrix (1-proximity) to cluster the observations. RF dissimilarity measures have been successfully used in several unsupervised learning tasks (Liu et al., 2000; Hastie et al., 2001; Breiman, 2001; Breiman and Cutler, 2003; Shi and Horvath, 2006). RF is a modern statistical learning method that involves a collection or ensemble of classification trees. Each tree is grown based on a different bootstrap sample of the original data. For the RF, each tree votes for a class, and the final prediction for each observation is based on the majority rule. In unsupervised RF, synthetic classes are randomly generated, and the trees are grown. Despite the synthetic classes, similar samples end up in the same leaves due to the tree’s branching process. The proximity of the samples can be measured, and the proximity matrix is constructed. In the second step of the PAM analysis, the clustering is found by assigning each observation to the nearest medoid with the goal of finding k representative objects that minimize the sum of the dissimilarities of the observations to their closest representative object (Maechler et al., 2018). To determine the relevant number of clusters, we used the Silhouette index (Rousseeuw, 1987).

    Ensemble of Algorithms

    Instead of relying on a single “best” clustering, we used an ensemble of algorithms applied to our data set, including both k-means clustering ensemble of algorithms and a PAM clustering ensemble of algorithms. We applied the ensemble method (Strehl and Ghosh, 2002), using the NbClust package in R to cluster our data using different subsets of the COPUS codes to run multiple clusterings and then combine the information of the individual algorithms. Use of the ensemble of algorithms gives us a robust cluster assignment, as our cluster assignment does not rely on a single choice of variables to input into the cluster, and the number of clusters does not rely on a single choice for determining the best number of clusters. For classification, an ensemble average will perform better than a single classifier (Moon et al., 2007). A handful of applications of ensemble algorithms can be found in the educational literature (Kotsiantis et al., 2010; Pardos et al., 2011; Beemer et al., 2018).

    The k-means ensemble and PAM ensemble are based on individual algorithms that relied on different transformations of the COPUS codes: 1) we used the subset of codes described in Stains et al. (2018), 2) we collapsed the 25 codes into eight codes as described in Smith et al. (2014), and 3) we used all COPUS codes (Table 1). The final k-means clustering ensemble gives each of the three individual k-means algorithms a vote for the final cluster. The final PAM clustering ensemble gives each of the three individual PAM algorithms a vote for the final cluster.


    RQ1. Do Clustering Results for Our Data Set Vary when Using the COPUS Analyzer versus de Novo Cluster Analysis Guided by the Parameters Established by the Analyzer?

    To characterize the types of instructional practices observed in our 250 course data set, we performed a de novo cluster analysis. To start, we used the existing COPUS Analyzer created by Stains et al. (2018). We first ran our COPUS data through the COPUS Analyzer and compared these results to those obtained with a de novo cluster analysis using the same restrictions set out in the work by Stains et al. (2018), including the same subset of codes and performing k-means clustering with k = 7. These two means of clustering the COPUS data resulted in differing cluster patterns (Table 3), with only 36% agreement between the two sets of clusters. Sending our data through the COPUS Analyzer resulted in 42% of our classroom observations being labeled didactic, 39% interactive, and 19% student centered. The de novo cluster analysis using our classroom observations gives a different breakdown of didactic (57%), interactive lecture (21%), and student-centered lecture (23%). The similarities in the COPUS profiles and the de novo clustering varied by cluster. For example, 67% of the cluster 1 (didactic instructional style) observations were clustered together in the de novo clustering. On the other hand, for the 27% of our classroom observations that fell into cluster 3 (interactive instructional style) as sorted by the COPUS analyzer, those 67 observations were split into five different clusters and had at most 30% of the observations clustered together in the de novo clustering. And the observations falling under cluster 7 (student-centered instructional style) with the COPUS Analyzer were almost evenly split in the de novo clustering. The instability of the clustering algorithm can be seen from the very different results obtained when comparing the COPUS Analyzer and de novo clustering using the same clustering technique (k-means clustering), the same number of clusters (k = 7), and the same data (n = 250 classroom observations). Using a Fisher’s exact test for count data, we found that there was a significant difference in the clustering results from the Analyzer and our de novo cluster analysis (p = 0.004).

    TABLE 3. COPUS Analyzer versus de novo clustering of study dataa

    De novo k-means clusteringTotalPercent
    Student centered5140001062

    ak-means algorithm with k = 7 was applied to our COPUS data and compared with the outcome of analyzing the same data using the COPUS Analyzer tool. The rows indicate the number of courses that clustered into the seven categories of instruction as defined by the COPUS Analyzer. The columns represent the clustering of our data into seven undefined categories from our k-means analysis. Similarities and differences in the clustering are indicated. For example, of the 77 courses that the COPUS Analyzer sorted into cluster 1, 51 also clustered together with the de novo clustering.

    RQ2. How Do de Novo Clustering Results Differ when the COPUS Data Are Transformed (i.e., Combining the Codes into a Condensed Set or Using a Subset of the COPUS Codes) in the Various Ways Presented in the Literature before Clustering?

    We performed k-means clustering with the data transformed into the Analyzer codes (Stains et al., 2018), collapsed according to Smith et al. (2014), or left as the original 25 COPUS codes. In each case, the optimal number of clusters for our data was two (according to majority rule; Table 4), as opposed to the seven identified from the Stains et al. (2018) work (Figure 1). Eighty-six percent of our classroom observations had perfect agreement across the individual algorithms.

    TABLE 4. k-Means ensemble of algorithms applied to our data seta

    k-Means clustering ensemble
    Analyzer codesCollapsed codesAll codesCluster votenPercent

    aUsing the COPUS codes selected by the COPUS Analyzer (Stains et al., 2018), the collapsed COPUS codes (Smith et al., 2014), or all 25 COPUS codes, the optimal number of clusters of our data was two (traditional and active). Each row illustrates the number of courses that were clustered into either cluster 1 or 2 based on the different code parameters. For example, 20 courses were sorted into cluster 1 using the Analyzer codes, two using the collapsed codes, and one using all codes. Perfect agreement of the algorithms is shown in bold. The percent indicates the percent of our sample that was found in each cluster.

    FIGURE 1.

    FIGURE 1. Radar plots highlighting the resulting clusters (A, cluster 1: traditional lecture; and B, cluster 2: active learning) from the 250 course COPUS data set. Red lines indicate the average fraction of 2-minute intervals a given code was selected across the entire data set. Green lines indicate the average fraction of 2-minute intervals a given code was selected only for the courses that fall within that cluster. For example, in cluster 1, the “students receiving” code was selected for nearly 100% of the 2-minute intervals of the courses on average. The collapsed codes (Smith et al., 2014) were used to create these clusters. I, instructor behaviors; S, student behaviors.

    Cluster 1 can be characterized as a traditional lecture cluster, primarily driven by the Instructor Presenting and Student Receiving codes. Cluster 2 can be characterized as an active-learning cluster, with greater usage of the Student Other Group Work, Students Working in Groups, and Student Asking a Question codes. Table 5 presents the comparison of the k-means ensemble and the COPUS Analyzer, which shows a significant difference in the results of the two ensembles (Fisher’s exact test, p < 0.001). One interesting outcome is that the k-means ensemble is split on the COPUS Analyzer classification of “interactive” lectures (clusters 3 and 4) with the majority of cluster 3 from the Analyzer being designated as active-learning classes and the majority of cluster 4 from the Analyzer being designated as traditional lecture.

    TABLE 5. Comparison of COPUS Analyzer results versus k-means ensemble (k = 2)a

    k-Means cluster vote
    COPUS AnalyzerTraditionalActive
    Didactic174 (96%)3 (4%)77 (31%)
    223 (85%)4 (15%)27 (11%)
    Interactive322 (33%)45 (67%)67 (27%)
    421 (68%)10 (32%)31 (12%)
    Student centered55 (83%)1 (17%)6 (2%)
    66 (50%)6 (50%)12 (5%)
    711 (37%)19 (63%)30 (12%)
    Total162 (65%)88 (35%)250

    aCourses are listed based on how they sorted using both the COPUS Analyzer and the de novo k-means ensemble. For example, 97 courses in our traditional lecture cluster were also found in the didactic cluster, but an additional 43 were found in the Analyzer’s interactive cluster.

    RQ3. How Do de Novo Clustering Results Differ when Using k-Means Algorithms versus PAM Algorithms?

    Another means to identify the most appropriate number of clusters for our data set is the robust clustering algorithm PAM. PAM also identified two as the optimal number of clusters (using both the Analyzer codes and all 25 codes, with similar traditional lecture and active-learning profiles as previously identified from the k-means clustering). The cluster assignment for our data that arose from the three different individual algorithms (Analyzer codes, collapsed codes, and all codes) and the vote of the ensemble are presented in Table 6. Fifty-seven percent of our classroom observations had perfect agreement among the three individual algorithms.

    TABLE 6. PAM ensemble of algorithms applied to our data seta

    PAM clustering ensemble
    Analyzer codesCollapsed codesAll codesCluster votenPercent

    aThe optimal number of clusters was also two using this ensemble. Similar to Table 4, we indicate the number of courses that were clustered in a particular pattern using the Analyzer codes, collapsed codes, or all COPUS codes. Perfect agreement of the algorithms is shown in bold.

    The comparison of the PAM ensemble clustering and the k-means ensemble clustering is presented in Table 7. The vast majority of the classes that clustered as active learning from the k-means ensemble were also categorized as active learning under the PAM ensemble, whereas 53 of the traditional lecture classes from the k-means ensemble were also categorized as active learning under the PAM ensemble (20% of the total classroom observations). There is a difference in the two ensembles (Fisher’s exact test, p < 0.001). Through the more robust PAM clustering, we were able to identify more classes that clustered in the active-learning instruction profile.

    TABLE 7. Comparison of k-means versus PAM ensemble resultsa

    PAM cluster vote
    k-MeansTraditional1112 (45%)50 (20%)162 (65%)
    cluster voteActive23 (1%)85 (34%)88 (35%)
    115 (46%)135 (54%)250

    aHow each particular course clustered using either k-means or PAM ensembles is indicated. The k-means ensemble and PAM ensemble had perfect agreement in cluster assignment for 79% of the classroom observations (shown in bold).


    The increased push to improve undergraduate STEM education has led to greater interest in collecting independent (not from the student or instructor perspective) classroom data to describe what is occurring in the classroom, as evidenced by a number of recent COPUS-using publications (Liu et al., 2018; Stains et al., 2018; Ludwig and Prins, 2019; Reisner et al., 2020). There are several arenas in which COPUS data can be valuable: for supporting faculty merit and promotion cases (as suggested by Smith et al., 2013), for illustrating the effectiveness of professional development activities, or for connecting these data to other student or instructor outcomes for research purposes. Thus, it becomes increasingly important that we analyze such data in a rigorous manner following best practices established by other fields. Typical ways that COPUS data are presented in published literature include: descriptively, to highlight the average presence of various codes among different instructor populations (Smith et al., 2013; Weaver et al., 2015; Lewin et al., 2016; Akiha et al., 2017; McVey et al., 2017; Jiang and Li, 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Solomon et al., 2018; Kranzfelder et al., 2019; Riddle et al., 2020; Reisner et al., 2020), to identify particular course or instruct or characteristics that may correlate with specific COPUS codes using regression analyses (Tomkin et al., 2019), and to cluster COPUS course profiles (Stains et al., 2018). The benefit of cluster analysis is that it allows researchers to take a deeper and more holistic look at the COPUS data rather than rely on drawing conclusions from select COPUS codes. Furthermore, cluster analysis can also be combined with the regression analyses used in works like Tomkin et al. (2019) to identify particular course or instructor characteristics that correlate with a course being found in a particular cluster. This would allow one to identify variables that correlate with a course being characterized as falling within an active-learning cluster, for example. In future work, we would like to identify course-level data (e.g., enrollment size, taught in an active-learning vs. traditional classroom space) and instructor-level data (e.g., research vs. teaching track, gender, active-learning certification status) that are associated with distinct forms of classroom instruction.

    Before discussing our findings, we acknowledge that this work contains certain limitations. First, while our data set consists of COPUS observations from 250 courses, these were collected at a single institution, which may represent course experiences that are unique to this setting. Second, as COPUS data collection is labor intensive, we are making general conclusions regarding a course based on data from only a fraction of the meeting periods, a limitation less prevalent for other classroom observation protocols (Owens et al., 2017). And third, our data set includes observations from both STEM and non-STEM courses, albeit all of which were large-enrollment lectures. While COPUS is intended for STEM courses, the fact that frequency of COPUS codes varied minimally between STEM and non-STEM courses (Supplemental Table S2) leads us to believe the usage of this protocol in these settings is appropriate.

    In this work, we used cluster analysis as a statistical learning algorithm to describe how our data are related across the COPUS codes. As clustering algorithms are not meant to be predictive, we suggest that researchers perform a de novo cluster analysis with each new data set collected, and when doing so, use an ensemble of clusters, as the ensemble improves the accuracy over a single classifier (Moon et al., 2007). Clusters can change with new data, are affected if there are outliers in the data, and are dependent on the choice of variables included in the analysis. The information from different clusterings does not need to be thrown out; the cluster assignments from previous and current clusterings can be combined by methods presented in Strehl and Ghosh (2002) or by using an ensemble combining the information from the different clustering, as in this paper. We prefer using the PAM algorithm, as COPUS data often have outliers. For our particular data set, all COPUS codes had outliers, with the exception of Instructor Lecturing.

    Another approach we believe may be beneficial is latent class analysis (LCA) clustering techniques and mixture distribution models (Hagenaars and McCutcheon, 2002; Lubke and Luningham, 2017), which is a theory-driven approach, as opposed to the distance-based approaches of this paper (PAM and k-means). It has been noted that LCA may be more appropriate to use versus PAM in cases where one’s data set has a large number of variables, fewer clusters, larger sample sizes, and nonuniform cluster sizes (Anderlucci and Hennig, 2014). Many education research studies (Vermunt and Magidson, 2002; Talavera and Gaudioso, 2004; Maull et al. 2010; Xu, 2011) have compared LCA with k-means, concluding that the main advantages of LCA over k-means for traditional clustering are that LCA uses probability-based modeling and the BIC statistic to calculate the best number of clusters and does not require the user to standardize variables before the clustering process. Brusco et al. (2016) performed a simulation study of k-means, PAM, and LCA and found that both PAM and LCA outperform k-means. Pelaez and colleagues (2019) used LCA and a random forest ensemble to identify at-risk students in introductory psychology courses; they found that they were able to discriminate between the most at-risk and least at-risk students by identifying characteristics that had a large difference between the clusters that could be related to the students’ risk level. Because we may expect to see nonuniform cluster sizes and small numbers of clusters in our COPUS data set, we would like to compare the PAM ensemble to LCA clustering in future work (Vermunt and Magidson, 2002; Anderlucci and Hennig, 2014; Conrad and Bailey, 2015).

    In addition to its methodological implications, we feel this work also highlights the value of cross-disciplinary research. With the push to decrease silos often seen in discipline-based education research fields (Henderson et al., 2017; Reinholz and Andrews, 2019) and the rise of data science across many disciplines, STEM education researchers have an opportunity to leverage collaborations with statisticians and computer scientists to better understand educational data and identify new ways to improve teaching and learning. Collaborations can be formed for specific research projects, but can also be expanded to create research teams aimed at viewing existing problems in the field through new lenses and to train the next generation of researchers to have expertise spanning multiple fields. In this instance, by broadening one’s research team, it may be possible to answer novel questions using existing COPUS data or expand one’s research design when embarking on a study that relies on classroom observation data.


    The authors would like to thank the team of faculty (Shannon Alfaro and Paul Spencer) and students (Albert Bursalyan, Andrew Defante, Amy Do, Heather Echeverria, Samantha Gille, Emily May, Dominic Pyo, and Emily Xu) who collected the COPUS data as well as the vast array of faculty who allowed us into their classrooms to collect these data. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF DUE 1821724).


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